The Indiana Disproportionality Resource Center (IDRC), a project wihtin the Center on Education and Lifelong Learning, supports schools and districts in defining and identifying disproportionality in special education and provides technical assistance to Local Education Authorities (LEAs) in order to increase equity in special education throughout the state.
Collection and Use of Disaggregated Data
What does it mean to disaggregate data? How are the measures of disproportionality used in federal and state criteria calculated and what do they mean? How are state criteria for disproportionality determined? How can we as an LEA and schools best monitor our own data to avoid being identified as out of compliance?
Success Gaps Analysis
What is a success gaps analysis? How can it be used to help develop corrective action plans or CEIS plans? How is it conducted? What tools are available for the examination of root causes of disproportionality in Indiana? What root cause analysis tools are available from the federal government or other states?
Culturally Responsive Practices
What is cultural responsiveness and what does it look like in practice? What are the relevant dimensions of culturally responsive practice? How does it apply to instruction, management, and parental engagement?