The standard state methodology used to calculate compliance in Indicators uses a risk ratio analysis.
Calculation Explanation
Indicator 4A: Significant Discrepancy (Discipline)
A Significant Discrepancy in the rate of out-of-school suspensions/expulsions totaling greater than ten days of students with disabilities. What this means: Data that you submitted for your LEA shows that the rate at which students with disabilities are subjected to OSS/EXP totaling more than ten days is at least twice as high as the statewide rate at which students with disabilities are subjected to OSS/EXP totaling more than ten days for three consecutive years.
The most recent three years used in this year's analysis are 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019 (as of 2020). If the LEA exceeds the numerical criteria, the self-assessment survey and file review are administered to determine if disproportionate representation is due to inappropriate policies, practices, and procedures.
Indicator 4B: Significant Discrepancy
A Significant Discrepancy in the rate of out-of-school suspensions/expulsions totaling greater than ten days of students with disabilities of a racial or ethnic group of students as compared to all students with disabilities in the state.
What this means: Data that you submitted for your LEA shows that the rate at which a particular racial or ethnic group of students with disabilities is subjected to OSS/EXP totaling more than ten days is at least twice as high as the rate at which all racial or ethnic groups of students with disabilities are subjected to OSS/EXP totaling more than ten days in the state for three consecutive years. Comparisons are made using a risk index.
The risk index is the percentage of students with disabilities from a particular racial or ethnic group who are out-of school suspended/expelled totaling more than ten days. The risk index for a particular racial or ethnic group is compared to the risk index for all students in the state. For example, in determining if there is a significant discrepancy in the rate at which African American students with disabilities are out-of-school suspended/expelled totaling more than ten days, the comparison group would be all students with disabilities who are out-of-school suspended/expelled totaling more than ten days in the state. If you received a preliminary notice for Indicator 4B, it means that the data you submitted for your LEA shows that the risk index for students in a particular racial or ethnic group who have been out-of-school suspended/expelled totaling more than ten days is at least two times greater than the risk index for all racial or ethnic groups of students with disabilities in the state for three consecutive years.
The thresehold of the values is 2.0 or greater and the cell size is 10 for three years in a row for Indicator 4. The most recent three years used in this year's analysis are 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019. If the LEA exceeds the numerical criteria, the self-assessment survey and file review are administered to determine if disproportionate representation is due to inappropriate policies, practices, and procedures.
Indicator 9: Disproportionate Representation
A Disproportionate Representation in the rate of overall special education identification of a racial or ethnic group of students comparing to all other racial or ethnic groups. What this means: An LEA can be identified as having Disproportionate Representation if the data submitted to the IDOE for the LEA shows that the rate at which a particular racial or ethnic group of students is identified as students with disabilites for any category is twice or higher than all other racial or ethnic groups of students who identified as students with disabilities for any category in the LEA for three consecutive years.
The relative risk ratio is computed as a ratio of the risk index of a race/ethnicity in the LEA to the risk index of all other races/ethnicities with disabilities in the LEA for overall disability.
Comparisons are made using a risk index. The risk index is the percentage of students from a particular racial or ethnic group identified as students with disabilities of any category. The risk index for a particular racial or ethnic group is compared to the risk index for all other students. "All other students" means all students in the other racial or ethnic categories in the LEA. For example, in determining if there is a disproportionate representation of Hispanic students with disabilities, "all other students" would be those students who are not Hispanic who are identified as disabled for any category.
Indicator 10: Disproportionate Representation
A Disproportionate Representation in the rate of the identification of a specific disability category of a racial or ethnic group of students as compared to all other racial or ethnic groups.
What this means: Data that you submitted for your LEA shows that the rate at which a particular racial or ethnic group of students who are identified as students with a specific disability is twice or higher than all other racial or ethnic groups of students who are identified as students with the same category of disability in your LEA for three consecutive years.
Comparisons are made using a risk index. The risk index is the percentage of students from a particular racial or ethnic group who are identified as students with a specific disability. The risk index for a particular racial or ethnic group is compared to the risk index for all other students. “All other students” means all students in the other racial or ethnic categories. For example, in determining if there is a disproportionate representation for white students with Autism, “all other students” would be all students with Autism who are not white.
The threshold of the values is 2.0 or greater and the cell size is 15 for three years in a row for Indicators 9 and 10. The most recent three years were 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020. The six disability categories monitored are CD, ED, SLD, LSI, OHI and AUT. If the LEA exceeds the numerical criteria, the self-assessment survey and file review are administered to determine if disproportionate representation is due to inappropriate identification.
More Information on the Indicators can be found on the IDOE Website